Our press and system technology is renowned for ensuring that Komori printers gain and maintain a leading edge ahead of their competitors. In order for you to optimise this innovative technology, your operators must be fully conversant with every function of equipment we install for you – not just the printing press, but also the software, management systems, quality and colour controls and integrated workflow systems. As part of our installation and commissioning process, Komori undertakes with you a partnership to ensure that all your operators and production personnel are fully trained prior to the commencement of your first production.
Komori Graphic Technology Center- training:
In addition, we can arrange individual re-training courses designed around your own specific requirements. Although these are usually undertaken on your installed equipment, the facilities at our Graphic Technology Center in the Netherlands now provide an excellent opportunity for off-site training if preferred.
Training is always given by highly skilled Komori technical specialists with the fullest up-to-the-minute data on Komori’s latest technology – and they are always happy to share with you the benefits of their knowledge. Should you decide to invest in any Komori Upgrades and Enhancement programmes, also be assured that your decision will be fully supported with appropriate training
For more details, contact your usual Komori representatives.