
The Komori Graphic Technology Center (KGC) opened at the Tsukuba Plant in October, 2009. The role of KGC is to promote the realization of a “company that provides Kando to its customers,” which is Komori Corporation’s management philosphy, and to function as the core institution of the Komori Group for architecting and conducting research and development on printing and printing press technologies as well as for technical training.

The four functions of KGC are:
1. To provide customers the opportunity to evaluate Komori systems through tests and demonstrations- The Demonstration Center
2. To educate customers about printing technology, both hardware and software- The Printing College & DoNet
3. To train production and service experts to provide technical suport worldwide- The Technical Training Center
4. To perform research on printing technology, including collaborations with universities and manufactures- The Printing R&D Center

By organically unifying these four functions into KGC, the company will teach customers worldwide how to correctly use Komori products. The center will facilitate quick and accurate responses to questions from individual users. Also, by establishing the KGC Knowledge Bank, the center will collect and process information from throughout the graphic arts industry and provide information from Komori to the industry.